1. Download and Install Un managed packages
2. Download Account list( excel document) and do the following data cleaning
(do the editing in excel sheet and save it)
Data Quality Standards
Account naming conventions are important to help users quickly find what they’re looking for and to allow filters to work properly. Ursa Major’s admin has set up the following rules:
1. Account names should not be in all capital letters.
2. All accounts must have a Type.
3. All Billing States must use the two-letter state abbreviation instead of spelling out the full name.
( Use data Import and import CSV to playground)
3. Next go to account object and add Residential value to Type field.
4. Add users as per guideline table
(Marketing user)
(Locale language:Spanish)
5. Create Permission Set “Bilingual pilot”
Under object setting select account and give read access to “language preference field”
6. Assign it to required user(Shnije Tashi)
Create Report folder Residential Reports and save reports in this folder
1. Accounts by Market Report Type: Account Filters: show account- all accounts Created date: All time
1.Create bucket “market “ on type
2.create Utility-bucket and add fields
Include accounts of types Customer — Direct and Customer — Channel
Residential- bucket and add fields
Include accounts of type Residential
As shown below
Group rows by : Market
Group Columns by: Rating
Final report looks like
2. High Value Residential Report type: accounts Include : account revenue field Filter: type= Residential
Rated Accounts by State Report type- Accounts Filter- type=residential
Group rows by : Billing City/State
Group Columns by: Rating
Open Support Cases Report type: Case Filter: Status=New
7. Create Dashboard as per instructions
(Edit Properties of this board view board as- Dash board viewer by clicking on wheel)
8. Add Signature to your email
Goto-avtar- settings- email- my email setting
9. Create letter head as per instructions
10. Create Email-template folder
Setup-classic email template- create new folder(Name accordingly- Residential Sales Emails)
11. Create email-templates in this folder
12. Create a Sales process- Residential Opportunities
13. Create a page layout (Residential opportunity Page) on opportunity object-as per instructions
14. Create a compact layout — Residential Opportunity Compact View on opportunity object
15. Create a Record type- Residential Opportunity- select sales process and page layouts and make it available to required profiles
16. For collaboration — create a new private group- Residential Sales Product Collaboration
As shown below(private group)
Add members- (one required user as moderator)- and allow customer option clicked.
18. Create a poll in group- as specified
19. Create a post-as specified