What is Enhanced Domain?
Enhanced domains are the latest version of My Domain that meets the latest browser requirements. With enhanced domains, all URLs across your org contain your company-specific My Domain name, including URLs for your Experience Cloud sites, Salesforce Sites, Visualforce pages, and content files.
Feature of Enhanced Domain:
- Avoid third-party Cookies
- Enhanced Domain URLs remain stabilised when the org is moved to another Salesforce instance.
- URLs are easier for users to remember (no instance names).
some potential impacts are:
- Error accessing Salesforce (ex: Experience Cloud sites, Salesforce Sites, and Visualforce pages).
- Third-party applications can lose access to Salesforce data.
- Single sign-on integration failure (ex: Sandboxes, *.cloudforce.com, *.database.com).
When you enable enhanced domains, the domain suffix-the part after the My Domain name-changes for Experience Cloud sites, Salesforce Sites, content files, Site.com Studio, Experience Builder, and Visualforce URLs. And sandbox org URLs include the word “sandbox,” making it easy to identify a sandbox org from its URL.
When you enable enhanced domains, Salesforce URLs change across your org. Your production My Domain login URL doesn’t change.
Changes to happen after Enhanced domain:
URL Changes:
Enforcement will start in August 2022 for sandboxes and October 2022 for production orgs.
How to Enable Enhanced Domain in Salesforce.
- From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter My Domain, and then select My Domain.
- Under My Domain Details, select Edit.
- If more suffixes are available for your org’s My Domain, a suffix dropdown list appears. Enhanced domains can only be enabled for the Standard suffix.
- Select Use enhanced domains.
- Save your changes.
Benefits are:
- Meets the latest browser security standards
- Improved certificate security standard
- Each domain now has its own certificate
- Uses the My Domain value for more features :
1. Let users log in to Salesforce from the login page with a social account like Google or Facebook.
2. Set a custom login policy to determine how users are authenticated.
3. Work in multiple Salesforce org in the same browser at the same time. - New domain names are designed to share cookies between domains.
- Sites/Salesforce Experience now uses My Domain
Set My Domain Login and Redirect Policies
- From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter My Domain, and then select My Domain.
- In the Policies section, click Edit.
- To require that users log in with your My Domain, in production, select Prevent login from https://login.salesforce.com. Or, in a sandbox, select Prevent login from https://test.salesforce.com.When you enable this setting, users also can’t use your instanced URL, such as https://na77.salesforce.com, to log in.
- To require that SOAP API logins use your My Domain login URL, in production, select Prevent SOAP API login from https://login.salesforce.com. Or, in a sandbox, select Prevent login from https://test.salesforce.com.When you enable this setting, SOAP API logins also can’t use your instanced URL, such as https://na77.salesforce.com, to log in.
- Choose a redirect policy.
- To allow users to continue using URLs that don’t include your My Domain name, select Redirect to the same page within the domain.
- To remind users to use your My Domain URLs, select Redirect with a warning to the same page within the domain. Users briefly see a warning message, then they’re redirected to the page. You can’t customize the warning message.Select this option for a few days or weeks to help users transition to your new My Domain. The warning gives users a chance to change their bookmarks and get used to using the new URLs.
- To require users to use your My Domain URLs when viewing your pages, select Don’t redirect (recommended).
- Save your changes.
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Originally published at https://amansfdc.wordpress.com on October 27, 2022.